Energy 20/20: A Vision for America’s Energy Future
Goals/Objectives of Energy 20/20
Senator Lisa Murkowski with AIPPA Executive Director Duff Mitchell, AIPPA representative Don Kubley and AIPPA board member Mike Craft CEO of Delta Wind Farm
Energy 20/20 is an effort to begin a conversation about the direction energy and resource policy should take over the next few years. This report is a blueprint for discussion, not an energy plan in itself.
Through the ‘all of the above’ policies outlined in this report, the United States can achieve full independence from OPEC oil imports by the year 2020.
We must also continue to fund scientific research critical to continued progress. Basic and applied research combined with demonstrations of advanced technologies will produce the dramatic breakthroughs we need to reach a future in which ‘clean energy’ and ‘energy independence’ are more than just slogans.
SB 25 Update: SB 25 was signed into law on June 13, 2012.
This Act is also known as the Alaska Sustainable Strategy for Energy Transmission and Supply (ASSETS) Act.
An Act establishing the sustainable energy transmission and supply development program in the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority.
What the Legislation does
Creates a loan participation program under the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (AIDEA) to support and help finance economically viable energy infrastructure.
AIPPA’s position on Regional Integrated Resource Plans
- Ensure the public process is open and encourages all sectors to participate including industrial users of electricity, mining operations, and independent power producers.
- Ensure that private capital and private investment solutions are an integral component of any finalized plan.
- Ensure that State Policy is followed to support and encourage private energy producers.
- Ensure that Integrated Resource Plans and Energy plans are integrated with regional economic plans and developments.
- Ensure that Independent Power Producers have access to markets and transmission lines.
- Ensure that the State Government reduces barriers to entry and unnecessary regulation that impedes rather than encourage private investment in solving regional energy problems.